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What is Coaching?






awaken | hope | spark | motivate invigorate | imagine | dream


Where are you headed?

What's possible in your future?


Coaching starts by reconnecting with what inspires you. This creates a compelling vision for the future and all that is possible. In this space, answers come, ideas are generated and and courage is gained to make powerful choices towards lasting change.


The answers are within you and often hidden. Coaching starts by reconnecting with what truly inspires you. This gives you a vision for the future and all that is possible. 


Discover and embrace your strengths and core values. Get focused on what makes you great. Get clear on what you want. This is the fuel that will get your engine running and give you the power needed to start moving.


The destination (dream, vision, goal) may be clear, but you may have hit a roadblock that has stopped you dead in your tracks.


Gain the courage and motivation needed to move past the roadblocks and boldly go after the life and work you really want! A roadblock (or being stuck) is often due to sabotaging voices, limiting perspectives and accepting the status quo. They can stop you from seeing what’s possible, make you go in circles, drain your energy or cause you to give up all together.


Inspiration - that resonates – creates a stirring - that naturally causes you to make powerful choices that will move you forward.



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